Thursday, April 29, 2010

I know you were waiting for this...

More Gaga videos!

Don't even pretend like you're not gonna watch them. Because you are. And you're gonna love them. Seriously.

1) University of Oregon :
I wish I could be cool enough to be in an all-male a capella group performing Gaga songs.

2) America's Favorite Dance Crew :

These guys are SO.GOOD! And they really captured Gaga's essence, I think.
(PS. They won this round on the show!)

3) Troops in Afghanistan :

I'm pretty sure this is for reals.
And if I were to make a potentially non-PC, not-that-funny joke here, I'd say something like Sure don't need to ask or tell here! But I won't.

All this Gaga just makes me want to go daaaancing. Any takers? :)

(Thanks to Jimmy, Pica, and Trav for sharing these links with me!)


monica said...

haha these are great!
my favorite is in the last video when the guys does the solo dancing!! oh my heavens he is great.

Pica Nagano said...

let me just ask you HOW many posts do you have about lady gaga? hahaha.

and I vote YES on the dancing.

Pica Nagano said...

and btw. its america's BEST dance crew...